With precious metal prices hitting new record highs now is the best time to sell your unwanted gold, platinum, silver and diamond jewelry.  Many peoplehave old, out of style, or unwanted jewelry they no longer wear, and with this economy everyone can use a the extra cash. Turn that old or broken jewelry in to more cash on the spot with the Diamond & Gold Exchange.

We also buy diamonds and pay much higher prices than our competitors offer, simply because our experience spans more than 45 years in the jewelry industry.  We have far more experience, and sell diamonds in great volume thus we are able to pay much higher than the competition.

Jewelry Stores and Pawnshops buy diamonds but will offer a fraction of what we do. These companies don't sell in volume, so when they purchase they don't know how long they might have to wait before a particular stone sells. It might take a year or even longer for them to get it out of their inventory,  so these companies would rather pay low because they know they have to sit on
certain items.